madhavanmalolan / ffmpegandroidlibrary

One line integration for FFMPEG Library in Android
MIT License
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command to draw text on video #15

Open developer-- opened 6 years ago

developer-- commented 6 years ago

I'm using this commands to draw the text, but don't got any success String[] args = new String[]{ "-i", filePath, "-vf", "format=yuv444p", "drawtext=fontfile="+font.getAbsolutePath()+":text='Title of this Video'", "format=yuv420p", "-c:v", "libx264", "-c:a", "copy", "-movflags", destinationPath+"/output_file.mp4" };

any advice?

madhavanmalolan commented 6 years ago

What do you mean by

"don't got any success"

Does the app crash? If yes, can you share the logs? Do you not get the desired output? If yes, what is it that you expect, what is it that you got?