madhavmk / Noise2Noise-audio_denoising_without_clean_training_data

Source code for the paper titled "Speech Denoising without Clean Training Data: a Noise2Noise Approach". Paper accepted at the INTERSPEECH 2021 conference. This paper tackles the problem of the heavy dependence of clean speech data required by deep learning based audio denoising methods by showing that it is possible to train deep speech denoising networks using only noisy speech samples.
MIT License
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Implementation discrepancies with paper #8

Open NeuronAppreciator opened 2 weeks ago

NeuronAppreciator commented 2 weeks ago


I'm trying to manually implement this in another language. Can you confirm this codebase is the one that produced the results in "Speech Denoising without Clean Training Data: a Noise2Noise Approach"? There are a few discrepancies I've noticed so far:

I appreciate any insight you may have about these points.