madjin / space-pod

clonex space-pod decentralized frontend
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website design #6

Open madjin opened 2 years ago

madjin commented 2 years ago

Something cool where a user can navigate to the different demos and socials related to the project. SM Sith Lord has an awesome personal website design made with playcanvas - can possibly create / gather some new assets and make something like this for pods



Another idea is a custom startpage that shows up on the pod monitor too, similar to this

madjin commented 2 years ago

I have homespace.eth to build a site with, the demos can be linked from pod.homespace.eth

We can host a static wordpress site via IPFS + Fleek: Here's an example site:

Notes + images:

madjin commented 2 years ago

Landing page

First impression: Keep it simple, space shell blender render (click to see more) with a countdown, scroll down for more info image

Main idea: Exterior shell for your Space Pods You're in control of what platform you have your home space in. Become an interoperability pioneer and plant your pod across the metaverse with the space shell expansion pack.

Links: M3 project by DankVR / SM SithLord

Should each section be higher level concepts or highlight the strengths of each platform shells are in?

Freedom : We believe in decentralization, so we're building templates based on open source virtual world frameworks to allow for self-hosting your space shell on your own hardware.

Interoperability: Additional file formats are provided so you can choose any virtual world platform to park your home space in.


Creativity: Every space shell comes with a .blend file designed as a literal sandbox for your imagination. Lets someday connect our tiny islands together.


JanusXR: Web framework inspired by Snow Crash and VRML that comes with social features to easily self-host virtual worlds like one would with static web pages.

Cryptovoxels: Bring your lunar home space into Cryptovoxels, a minecraft x geocities inspired world on Ethereum with easy mode building tools and virtual events.


Mozilla Hubs: Open source avatar chat project with powerful meeting features such as drag n' drop media sharing, screen sharing, laser pointer / pen, and spatial audio.





Anarchy Arcade:




Intentionally leaving blanks for early feedback