madmachinations / home-assistant-todoist-shopping-list

A custom component for Home Assistant which uses Todoist to bridge the gap between your Alexa shopping list and your HA shopping list
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API list closure #7

Open jouster1974 opened 1 week ago

jouster1974 commented 1 week ago

Will this integration stop working as off July 1st like all other list api accessing skills? I assume as such so wondering what if any workarounds there might be

madmachinations commented 1 week ago

Yep, this will stop working at that point unfortunately.

I have some ideas for how to get around the problem, but I need to see what still works and what doesn't after July 1st.

bwims commented 7 hours ago

Bump. Any news? It's hard to live without a shopping list, and the Alexa App is pure bloatware.


madmachinations commented 6 hours ago

So far the news is not looking good tbh.

I believe I know a way to make it work, but it's not a quick fix and has other problems. Essentially I'd have to sniff the alexa app requests which cover authentication and list management, and make the integration pretend to be the alexa app.

There used to be a web version of the alexa app, and I could have used it's API in the same way, but easier because you can just see the requests in any browser. But sadly they have also shut down their web app.

Sniffing the requests and replicating them should work. But, even if I did this, technically that's a "private" API which the terms will state I'm not allowed to use for any purpose amazon haven't said I can. So the fact I can get the information I need to make it work, doesn't mean Amazon would be okay with that. They would be within their rights to insist I take it down.

I am contemplating it still, but even so, between other things and depending on how much of a fight it gives me; It could be anything from a couple of weeks up to 3 months to have a working solution working on it by myself.

Todoist have given up on alexa lists full stop, they don't have any intentions to introduce even custom commands to alexa to add stuff to todoist lists specifically, so that's not even a plan B.

I've heard amazon are "overhauling lists" but that isn't anywhere near ready, and everything else has been cut off in the mean time. There's no guarantee they will allow integrations into whatever their next version of lists is. But the fact that they've cut everyone off suggests heavily they won't, they want people to have to open the alexa app to see their lists, probably so they can try and advertise where you can buy all that stuff from, or just to make it look like the alexa app is more liked and used than it really is.

It's an open secret that financially alexa and all the commerical smart speaker assistants are not generating the revenue their parent companies hoped they would. So I'm expecting to see more of this kind of behaviour from all of them. They will want to pump it for every penny and make it profitable. There's also soon likely to be the introduction of a subscription fee to access "premium" alexa features. Cutting off list API's could also be a step towards that, where you can have API access if you pay the subscription. But nobody knows for sure until something official is announced.

So, the spiteful goblin in me is saying I should seriously consider abandoning all the echos I have in the house and replacing them with a home grown solution, setting up satellites using HA voice.

I am still deciding what to do, but I will update when I've comitted to a direction.

madmachinations commented 6 hours ago

There is another solution to making it work, but it's not pretty and would require installing an android simulator on the machine running HA, or at least on the same network.

I could make that work, but I don't consider it a good solution because that's quite a fat amount of software to run constantly for the sake of some lists. I could do it on my HA setup because I have a decent rig running it all. But people running it on yellows and pi's and such, they couldn't run something that heavy.

I'll have a definitive answer of what's happening in the next 2 weeks though

bwims commented 4 hours ago

Thanks for the update. Amazon seem to want people to hate their stuff, don't they? The men in grey suits just cannot relate to the real world.

What I really need is a company to develop a hardware HA voice assistant that looks like the old echo dot (v3) That would supply my needs.