madmax3365 / node-red-node-discord

Discord nodes for node-red
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Q: Is there a way to know if message not received (on a specific device)? #33

Open hepcat72 opened 1 year ago

hepcat72 commented 1 year ago

I assume the answer is this is not possible because discord probably doesn't know which devices are receiving, but no harm in asking... Here was my thought process this morning:

I started using this discord node because my cell provider started using spam detection for email-to-sms messages, and their spam rules are such that my automated messages to myself can occasionally cause the email address I'm sending from to get blocked. It took me 2 weeks to get the block lifted, so I started using discord to send those messages. And since April, if not blocked, my messages (say 1 in 5) experience a random delay (worst-case: slightly over 24h).

I would go all-in on discord messaging except for 2 things, 1 of which is that if I don't have a data connection on my phone, but enough signal for an SMS, where discord would fail, SMS could succeed.

So I had this thought: "Can I send with discord and then if the message doesn't go through to my phone, catch that state and fall back to SMS?" This would have a few effects if I could get it to work. I would take on less risk of getting blocked by the mobile carrier's new spam detection. The bulk of my messages would be delivered (by discord) much faster and more reliably. I wouldn't have to break up messages to accede to the small SMS character limit for most messages.

As I was writing this up, I realized I could create a simple heuristic: if Life360 says I'm at a place where I know I'll be on WiFi, send via discord. Otherwise, send via SMS. That would unnecessarily send SMS while I'm driving with a data connection, but it's better than nothing.