madmicio / Fingerprints-reader-R503---R502-esp8266-mqtt-Home-Assistant

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WEMOS D1 mini with R503 connection problems #6

Open bad-gargoyle opened 2 years ago

bad-gargoyle commented 2 years ago

I've connected (R503 to WEMOS D1 mini) everything as described here and I have "Did not find fingerprint sensor :(". LED ring on R503 glows for about 1s and in the same moment error appears.

Any clue why?

bad-gargoyle commented 2 years ago

Ok, I've managed to solve this by myself. ;-) The problem Was that project suggested to use D4 and D5 GPIO ports. Those ports on WEMOS are partly used for serial port interface communication (D5 is for SPI SCK, D6 is for SPI MISO). When I've changed (phisicly and in skech) ports to D3 and D4 everything started to work.