madmicio / LG-WebOS-Remote-Control

Remote Control for LG TV WebOS
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Feature Request: Optionally remove/disable channels button #114

Open jojoojo opened 1 year ago

jojoojo commented 1 year ago

I do not watch any live TV channels, and haven't included any channels in my YAML, causing the channels button to open a blank popup. Would love if either not specifying a channels list or setting a separate option could disable or remove the channels button

dougmaitelli commented 11 months ago

I would love to see this as well. I was previously using another TV Remote card that is very flexible and customizable on what buttons you want to display or not, but the problem there is that you need to manually configure every service for every button. This card provides an easy to use configuration and excellent functionality coverage for LG TVs, just missing this one simple feature (hide unwanted buttons) :)

mrgrlscz commented 6 months ago

Great idea... And maybe the possibility to override the button? If I'm right, this is barely the only button not on the list.