madmicio / LG-WebOS-Remote-Control

Remote Control for LG TV WebOS
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Allow custom mapping of buttons #28

Open NovaGL opened 3 years ago

NovaGL commented 3 years ago

Great work however the power button doesn't work for me as it doesn't register commands till the tv is on.

If I could remap the power button I could get Harmony to turn the TV on. Is this going to be an option in the future?

PiotrMachowski commented 3 years ago

You can use this configuration:

NovaGL commented 3 years ago

Thanks but ideally I would like all buttons to be able to be remapped

r0667002 commented 3 years ago

I'd like this feature as well! Would be cool to be able to use the layout for other (non-LG) TV's as well. Is this hard to implement @madmicio ?

madmicio commented 3 years ago

it is very simple to edit the card, but the TV must have its own integration with the home assistant. my card just calls media_player and webos integration services

Blabla4137 commented 2 years ago


@madmicio it's not possible to personalize a button by a call of a service ?

like this for exemple.. If i click on "volume down" button on your card :

service: remote.send_command data: command: VolumeDown device: '77982175' target: entity_id: remote.harmony_hub

Thanks :)

Spale350z commented 7 months ago


@madmicio it's not possible to personalize a button by a call of a service ?

like this for exemple.. If i click on "volume down" button on your card :

service: remote.send_command data: command: VolumeDown device: '77982175' target: entity_id: remote.harmony_hub

Thanks :)

I would love this option!! @madmicio is this possible?

PiotrMachowski commented 7 months ago

It's already implement in 2.x.x