madmicio / LG-WebOS-Remote-Control

Remote Control for LG TV WebOS
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Add hdmi input number on hdmi icon #54

Open Nik18111997 opened 3 years ago

Nik18111997 commented 3 years ago

Can You Add a number in hdmi icon for Identify hdmi source number

Like this images__01

typxxi commented 2 years ago

Most likely not cause if you look into the configuration of such cards you will find something like this

  - name: YouTube
    icon: 'mdi:youtube-tv'
  - name: HDMI 1
    icon: 'mdi:video-input-hdmi'
  - name: HDMI 2
    icon: 'mdi:video-input-hdmi'
    friendly_name: KODI

And there you can see the icon source which is 'mdi:video-input-hdmi' The mdi font libary offers for "hdmi" just 1 particular icon based on a search for hdmi but you might convince them to add hdmi_1 ... hdmi_5 , tbh I guess that will never happen cause if the would suffer from more hdmi till you end at 10 maybe ...

If you really need that you simply have to do it on your own with a different style

instead of 3 hdmi icons you can use first the "hdmi" icon and then you use a number "2" icon and number "3" icon ... like here in my use case where I look at those Input Arrows 2 and 3 ScreenShot - 2021-07-07 (3)

1 Open the mdi font overview here :

2 Press ctrl + f and type 'hdmi' to get the only icon that is available

ATTENTION: if you simply click on your desired icon to copy and paste it into your card code then that will not work !

HA needs this mdi:video-input-hdmi but mdi delivers that mdi-video-input-hdmi so you always have to replace 'mdi-' by 'mdi:'

But how to get the 1, 2 and 3 arrows shown above? If you search for number you will get just 2 results, that do not fit, but I found something else usefull for me I had called arrows that I use as "hdmi 1 - 3" replacements and that I look at as "INPUT 1" to "INPUT 3" But they were designed / meant as floors so simply search for '-floor-' on that page or use these right formatted (available 1-3)


There is also another option I had been using before which simply showed H1 and H2 and H3: mdi:format-header-1 you can see here in the second line, also the hdmi and then the arrow 2 ScreenShot - 2021-07-07 (6)

UPDATE: you can search for a set of digits by searching for "-numeric-1"

There you will have a few but none as good as the ARROW story - at least for me.