The leitmotiv of these changes is to avoid the inclusion of workflow code into a Docker image, which only purpose is to provide an environment, as stated in this issue response.
In a sense, the Dockerfile definition returns to a state where it does not depend on the Physics-steps image (named docker-madminer-physics), which further amplifies the need of some type of docker-madminer-heavy image being offered by MadMiner repo itself (as proposed throughout this issue).
A explanation note regarding this issue has been included into the Dockerfile itself:
Please consider, that even if this Dockerfile definition is extremely similar as the oneused for the physics steps ("docker-madminer-physics"), it is better not to depend on it,given that the common sections between the two will be moved to a MadMiner provided"heavy" version image soon enough.
This small PR aims to simplify the definition of the MadMiner "heavy" version Docker image, named docker-madminer-all.
The leitmotiv of these changes is to avoid the inclusion of workflow code into a Docker image, which only purpose is to provide an environment, as stated in this issue response.
In a sense, the Dockerfile definition returns to a state where it does not depend on the Physics-steps image (named docker-madminer-physics), which further amplifies the need of some type of docker-madminer-heavy image being offered by MadMiner repo itself (as proposed throughout this issue).
A explanation note regarding this issue has been included into the Dockerfile itself: