madodig / wikijs-customization

Wiki.js Customization Injection Code
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Possible to use a second level of navigation? #4

Closed nbambou closed 2 years ago

nbambou commented 2 years ago

First bix thanks for your work and sharing it.

Would it be possible to work with a second level deep? Would you like to share the code with some comments?

Second question: List accordion doesn't work for me.

Here ist the html code:

  • Item 1


  • Item 2


Unfortunately nothing happens. Sure the problem is in front the keyboard.

Would also like to donate for your work.

Regards Nick

madodig commented 2 years ago

Hi! Unfortunately, only one level deep submenus work at the moment. If you try to add #2# you will most probably break rendering of the site. Priority for me was one level at the time. 2nd level was nice to have, but it seemed too complex since I'm rewriting the page elements. Wiki.js v3 should be out soon, we'll see what it brings. Hopefully this will be supported natively (with static navigation included). If it isn't, maybe I'll look into implementing it here.

I'm glad you like this code and find it useful. Haven't thought about donations at all. Maybe I set it up in the future, in the meantime you can consider donating to @NGPixel who is lead developer and maintainer of Wiki.js.

madodig commented 2 years ago

Regarding the second question. You mentioned HTML Code; are you using Code (Raw HTML) Editor for the page? You should be using Markdown, and wrap your list with div element. List indentation is important. If you're using Markdown editor, maybe you're using it inside tabsets; it doesn't work there since tabsets use # characters to mark the tabs so they collide.

Example from README:

<div id="faccordion">

- ### Item 1

- ### Item 2

- ### Section 1

  - #### Section 1, item 1

  - #### Section 2

    - ##### Section 2, Item 1

    - ##### Section 2, Item 2

- ### Item 3

madodig commented 2 years ago

To make it work with Code (Raw HTML) editor, this is how markdown example should be rewritten:

<div class="faccordion">
      <h3 id="item-1" class="toc-header"><a href="#item-1" class="toc-anchor"></a> Item 1</h3>
      <h3 id="item-2" class="toc-header"><a href="#item-2" class="toc-anchor"></a> Item 2</h3>
      <h3 id="section-1" class="toc-header"><a href="#section-1" class="toc-anchor"></a> Section 1</h3>
          <h4 id="section-1-item-1" class="toc-header"><a href="#section-1-item-1" class="toc-anchor"></a> Section 1, item 1</h4>
          <h4 id="section-2" class="toc-header"><a href="#section-2" class="toc-anchor"></a> Section 2</h4>
              <h5 id="section-2-item-1" class="toc-header"><a href="#section-2-item-1" class="toc-anchor"></a> Section 2, Item 1</h5>
              <h5 id="section-2-item-2" class="toc-header"><a href="#section-2-item-2" class="toc-anchor"></a> Section 2, Item 2</h5>
      <h3 id="item-3" class="toc-header"><a href="#item-3" class="toc-anchor"></a> Item 3</h3>
nbambou commented 2 years ago

2nd Level: If you could comment your code a little bit I would ask some colleagues to try to add a 2nd Level. Unfortunately I can't do it myself, but they're website programmers.

List accordion: Try with both. Markdown and RAW html. Doesn't work. No idea why.

Installation: copy mad-wikijs-customization.css mad-wikijs-customization.js wjs_html-injection-code.body wjs_html-injection-code.head to /var/www/wikijs/assets/wjsccode/

Wikijs Theme looks like this: grafik

Collapsible menu works as expected. List accordian not. Looks like this: grafik

madodig commented 2 years ago

You've got an error in the config: boolean vars should have values trueor false, not enable. Change it from enable to true or false, and it should work. This error obviously breaks the code execution.

nbambou commented 2 years ago

Yea, did a mistake because working for hours at the problem. But this is not the reason. Doesn't work with "true" or "false" either.

Everything else works. So if I use true or false the result is as expected. Only accordion does not work. I am desperate right now.

madodig commented 2 years ago

It's working on my side. Are there any errors in the console (browser dev tools)?

madodig commented 2 years ago

Since I can't reproduce the issue and there hasn't been an update for over 30 days, I'm closing this issue.

madodig commented 2 years ago

Regarding the accordion issue, I've updated the code sometime in the past and haven't updated the README so the example doesn't work. The opening tag should look like this: <div class="faccordion">