In during compile process of IBPlusEditors2007.dpk, errors appear, because the .dpk file contains links to missing (and unnecessary) files, for examle - {$R 'UnitSyntaxMemo.dcr'}
In addition, the file FIBPlusEditors2007.dproj has links to files in a non-existent directory, for example:
DCCReference Include="RegFIBPlusEditors.pas"
instead of
DCCReference Include="..\Editors\RegFIBPlusEditors.pas"
and so on.
In during compile process of IBPlusEditors2007.dpk, errors appear, because the .dpk file contains links to missing (and unnecessary) files, for examle - {$R 'UnitSyntaxMemo.dcr'}
In addition, the file FIBPlusEditors2007.dproj has links to files in a non-existent directory, for example: DCCReference Include="RegFIBPlusEditors.pas" instead of DCCReference Include="..\Editors\RegFIBPlusEditors.pas" and so on.
Both files are fixed and attached to this issue:
Replace them in the project, please.
Regards - Malinovsky Vladimir.