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Creating Engaging Mobile Apps with NativeScript and Vue #43

Closed evanfuture closed 6 years ago

evanfuture commented 6 years ago

Title / Título

Creating Engaging Mobile Apps with NativeScript and Vue

Description / Descripción

NativeScript is already an amazing tool to build truly Native mobile apps with the Javascript you know and love. Now that integration with Vue has arrived, you can take advantage of the speed and ease of Vue, Vuex and the whole ecosystem to create all those apps that have been sitting in the back of your head for years!

In this talk, we'll see how to get started with NativeScript + Vue, and touch on some of the ways you can expand your development workflow by sharing code between web and native apps.

Speaker Bio / Bio del Ponente

Evan Payne is a Senior Front-end Engineer at Netcentric with a focus on Mobile Apps built with NativeScript. Globe-trotter, born in Los Angeles, tempered in Ireland, thriving in Spain.

Level / Nivel


Duration / Duración

40 min

alexfernandez commented 6 years ago

Done, thanks a lot!