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The Rise of JS #70

Open loicortola opened 4 years ago

loicortola commented 4 years ago

Title / Título

The Rise of JS

Description / Descripción

Did you know where the name Mozilla came from?
Why JS is called Javascript in the first place?
20 years ago, no one sober would have used Javascript for anything else than stars coming out of your cursor. No way. In the early 2000’s, we would rather go for app-servers and the dynamic web. Today, Flash and Java Applets are gone, JS rose from the ashes of the Browser and the Web won… How did we get here?

That, detective, is the right question.

If you haven’t lived it, come discover the early steps of the web, the history of Netscape, the browser-war, and the rise of JS.

Speaker Bio / Bio del Ponente

I am a word-spreading animal living around local fablabs and often caught near tech-conferences. Mostly fed on books, I like being powered by IDE-nuclear-energy. I like trying to zoom-out on tech and understand everything about each technology I use. And I like to share this big picture with those who don't.

Speaker’s Qualifications: 100+ talks in 20+ Universities (Craftsmanship, Java, Web, DevOps) 10+ Talks in Meetups in France: PerfUG, CATDroid Barcelona, Paris.js, Modern DevOps, Node.js Paris, Lyon.js ... 10+ talks and workshops in national / international conventions: DevoxxFR, DevFest, RivieraDev, DevOps D-Day, GEN 3, SOTM World / Belgium / Japan / France / UK, OVH Summit, ... (Maps Performance tuning & Bottleneck isolation, Geo-spatial Load-testing, Chaos Engineering, The rise of the Web) 10+ tech mentoring sessions in Startup incubators (DevOps, Architecture, Craftsmanship)

Level / Nivel


Duration / Duración

45 min

Constraints / Condicionantes

Well... My spanish is not good yet, so I would be speaking English :).
I am not in Madrid during the first week of every month.

Thanks a lot :)