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Real-world Frontend Modernization Stories #73

Open francesco-strazzullo opened 3 years ago

francesco-strazzullo commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm Francesco Strazzullo, an Italian software engineer. I would like to share this talk with your community with a remote meetup if possible.

Title / Título

Real-world Frontend Modernization Stories

Description / Descripción

Frontend JavaScript development has a young story in comparison with software development in general. All this youth and freshness has a side effect, frontend teams are not prepared to face the modernization of JavaScript codebases.

With this talk, I want to share real-world stories of successful codebases modernizations, applying some old principle to this “new world”

Speaker Bio / Bio del Ponente

I’m a Developer and Partner @ flowing. I’m also a speaker at tech conferences and meetup. I’m the author of “Frameworkless Front-end Development” and “Decision-making for Software Development Teams”. In my free time, I like to relax playing with my Playstation or cooking some strange ethnic dish for my wife.

Level / Nivel


Duration / Duración

40 minutes

Constraints / Condicionantes

I don't know Spanish, so the talk would be in English! :D