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S2.UI.Dialog title handling and collapsing/expanding + fluent interface fixes. #31

Closed rafalwrzeszcz closed 4 years ago

rafalwrzeszcz commented 13 years ago

Collapse/expand feature for S2.UI.Dialog class:

It's possible to pass own effects settings as options. There are after: and before: events for both actions (before: event handlers can cancel action).

The only problem is with the possible icon on title bar fot that. I created an issue #30 about that. At the moment actions can be called from API, or triggered by double-click on title bar of dialog.

This commit also contains fixes for S2.UI.* classes for methods, that should return this. In some places return was ommited, in other there was just return without this. I fixed that in places found by:

grep " -> this" src/ -R

So if there were some undocumented methods that should work this way, or documented different way, I didn't looked for them.

Also added .setTitle(title)/.getTitle() methods, which allow runtime title access.