madrobby / scripty2

scripty2: for a more delicious web
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Dead? #38

Closed Wizek closed 12 years ago

Wizek commented 12 years ago

Is this project discontinued? If so, what alternative would you suggest?

savetheclocktower commented 12 years ago

It's not dead; it's just dormant. I haven't had time to work on it recently, but I'll pick it back up sometime soon.

Wizek commented 12 years ago

How stable is the latest release (from 16 months ago)? Would you recommend learning, starting using it, and building with it? Any major issues that has since been found that I should watch out for?

savetheclocktower commented 12 years ago

The effects library is stable and has been used in many production sites.

The UI library is in alpha; if it works for you in its current state, then feel free to use it, but it doesn't yet claim to be bug-free or feature-complete.

savetheclocktower commented 12 years ago

Oh, and if you use either one, I'd recommend getting the latest from github. There have been some good fixes since the last official release.

Wizek commented 12 years ago

Thanks for the infos, hope you continue soon, this project seems promissing. :)

fastmover commented 11 years ago

Bump.. Any news or updates?

medv commented 11 years ago

Second that bump!

madrobby commented 11 years ago

We're no longer working on acripty2 (tho it works quite well as-is!) :)

fastmover commented 11 years ago

Be cooler if you were!!