madrobby / semicolon.js

A more secure. stable and reliable version of vapor.js
GNU General Public License v3.0
229 stars 28 forks source link

GPL license is a virus #7

Open showell opened 12 years ago

showell commented 12 years ago

Thank you for writing this fine library.

My organization recently hired a bunch of interns, and the only language they know is CoffeeScript. Sure, they complete projects faster than I do in JavaScript, but these noobs have no respect for tradition.

In mentoring these interns, I want to show them the incredible utility of the semicolon, and your fine library seems like the perfect place to start.

Unfortunately, you made the unwise, and, frankly, arrogant decision to release this project under the GPL. If we were to incorporate your library, then we would have to comply to the onerous terms of the license, which means we would have to release all 7,153,242 lines of our PHP codebase to the free software community, which would undermine our advantage over our competitors.

Can you re-release under a less restrictive license, or is the damage already done? You've effectively put a stranglehold on ALL uses of the semicolon. You realize that, don't you? What are experienced software developers supposed to do now? Python?!?! CoffeeScript?!?! You can't write serious programs in those languages.

madrobby commented 12 years ago

All your semicolon are belong to us.

isaacs commented 12 years ago

Working as intended.