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Søren Knudsen: Brainfuck interpreter in Clojure #22

Open JKrag opened 6 years ago

JKrag commented 6 years ago

A few years ago, when I did the BF talk, Søren (@Reefersleep) got inspired to write an interpreter in Clojure. He later offered to talk about it. I don't know if the offer still stands, but lets see what he says. (I hope people I mention here get notifications)

Reefersleep commented 6 years ago

Sorry to get back to you guys so late :) I've been mulling it over, and I'm trying to figure out if I can come up with an interesting perspective from which to do a talk. The interpreter code in itself is very uninteresting and does not feature any particularly interesting Clojure syntax. I made a web version in ClojureScript and Reagent, a React wrapper which is very popular in the Clojure community. I personally really like Reagent, and and would maybe have more to say about that, but I'm unsure that the Brainfuck interpreter is a particularly good example. In itself, Reagent is not that deep a subject, that is part of what is nice about it - it is very limited in scope.

I don't know :) Maybe you guys can take a look at the web version, which also has the interpreter part, and see if there are bits that you find interesting?

The source is here: A running version is here: All of the interesting code is here: