madscatt / zazmol

Library for defining molecular objects to create simulation and analysis programs To install: python install dependencies: numpy, mocker
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Replace Principal Moment loop calculation with vectorized NumPy operations #67

Closed StevenCHowell closed 7 years ago

StevenCHowell commented 7 years ago

This addresses #66 by replacing the loop using NumPy matrix multiplication. These changes produce the same results but much faster. I timed the code before and after this change (iterating 100x to get a reasonable average) for 2 different molecules on 2 computers, giving the following results:

Machine System Original (s) Vectorized (s) Speed-up
AMD X4 965 mAb 0.173502459526 0.00427374839783 40x
MacBook Pro mAb 0.108209969997 0.00162575006485 67x
AMD X4 965 4x167 NCP 0.853358361721 0.0248510980606 34x
MacBook Pro 4x167 NCP 0.555229699612 0.00928428173065 60x

This is the code I used for testing

import os
import time
import sasmol.system as system

# pdb_fname = '4x167_ncp.pdb'
pdb_fname = 'aligned_mab.pdb'
n = 100

assert os.path.exists(pdb_fname), 'no such file: {}'.format(pdb_fname)
mol = system.Molecule(pdb_fname)

tic = time.time()
for i in range(n):
toc = time.time() - tic

print('{} principal momement calculations of {} took {} seconds'.format(
    n, pdb_fname, toc))
print('{} s per iteration'.format(toc / n))