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refactor decomposition analysis method #153

Closed skrueger111 closed 12 months ago

skrueger111 commented 1 year ago

Katie Sarachan converted the original "compost" code from the MulCh analysis to Python. It is now running under Python 3 and the outputs are equivalent to those obtained from the original MulCh test data. The code needs to be refactored as the new decomposition method in the multi-component analysis module. Revise the code to run using Modifications to and will also be required. Update the multi-component analysis details Wiki once all of the needed variables are defined. trewhella_mulch_paper.pdf trewhella_mulch_supfiles.pdf

skrueger111 commented 12 months ago

New and related files (new and modified) are now added. A new ticked will be put in to compile and test the docstrings.