madsen / vbindiff

Visual Binary Diff (VBinDiff) displays files in hex & ASCII and can highlight the differences between 2 files
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Missing ncruses include on OpenSUSE #18

Open didix16 opened 4 years ago

didix16 commented 4 years ago

Hi. I was trying to compile vbindiff in OpenSUSE but It was failing all the time since #include was not founded.

I solve it by just modifing the AM_CPPFLAGS by adding: -I/usr/include/ncurses: AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(srcdir)/curses -I/usr/include/ncurses

on Makefile.

Cheers :)

rofl0r commented 4 years ago


yet this shouldn't be hardcoded in the build infrastructure as the path differs between distros. the configure script already checks for panel.h and rightfully fails if not found, so the user can provide the right CPPFLAGS to configure like this: CPPFLAGS="-I /path/to/ncurses" ./configure .... optimally though, the configure script would run pkg-config --cflags panel or pkg-config --cflags ncurses if it doesn't find the header in the compiler's default include path.