It would be highly convenient if elmx was supported via elm-brunch as currently there are no brunch plugins for elmx. The node library is just elmx and it is a very simple transpiler that converts react-like html structures in Elm code into the corresponding Elm.Html structure, thus giving back a normal .elm file. It is made to be fairly trivial to embed into build systems, however using bunch with no plugin for it yet means we have to do a manual compile step when we edit elmx files.
I think that it would be better to create a separate brunch-elmx plugin, it is not too complicated. A good starting point is to look at the livescript-brunch plugin as an example of a compile plugin.
It would be highly convenient if elmx was supported via elm-brunch as currently there are no brunch plugins for elmx. The node library is just
and it is a very simple transpiler that converts react-like html structures in Elm code into the corresponding Elm.Html structure, thus giving back a normal .elm file. It is made to be fairly trivial to embed into build systems, however using bunch with no plugin for it yet means we have to do a manual compile step when we edit elmx files.