madskristensen / BrowserLinkInspector

A Visual Studio extension
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Visual Studio 2019 Support #7

Open Myster opened 4 years ago

Myster commented 4 years ago

I would love for this Extension to work with vs2019.

I recently upgraded and found myself constantly pressing the inspect key combination in my browser and then feeling sad ;-)

There is a similar issue against WebEssentials2019, but this repo seems the best place for this feature request so I've created this issue.

datamill2015 commented 4 years ago

Mads, We really need support for this extension in vs2019. I don't know how anyone can live without it. Tim Mulholland from MSFT Developer Community did a great job in providing a VS2019 fix that actually worked and reportedly sent it over to you for finishing up but nothing is available yet. I know that you were out for a few weeks at the time at Inspire 2019 and now the holidays. If I knew whatr I was doing I would be happy to conribute a fix, but I don't. PLEASE consider wrapping this up. You have created WONDERFUL tools and the community has come to rely on them -- and YOU. Please do what you can. Please feel free to contact me if you think there is anything that I can do to help push this through. Thanks, Mads!

madskristensen commented 4 years ago

I have to create a new extension targeted specifically at VS2019. That is the problem. Once you add support for VS2019 then you automatically drop it for vS2017. It's just a little more work, and that is why I haven't gotten to it yet.

/cc @timheuer

datamill2015 commented 4 years ago

Mads, Thanks for your kind and quick reply. I do understand. If I can do anything to help, please let me know. We ALL appreciate the fine work that you do to help the community. I'll keep my fingers crossed. :-) Thanks again. - RJ

CatalinRadoi commented 4 years ago

Go Mads! :)

RJMJII commented 4 years ago

Hi Mads... Just checking in to see if there has been any progress or if this project has an anticipated date. I'm being terribly selfish here, but this extension is SO time-saving for anyone with a web project that it's killing me without it. I think I speak for many others too. Is there anything that we as the community could do to help move this forward? I know that you have a full plate so anything you could do would be SO appreciated. Thank you, Mads!

madskristensen commented 4 years ago

Please help test CI build of Browser Link Inspector 2019 before I publish it to the Marketplace.

RJMJII commented 4 years ago

Attempted to install but VS2019 Professional greyed out: "The extension cannot be installed to this product due to prerequisites that cannot be resolved." Any thoughts?

Myster commented 4 years ago

I get the same. image

madskristensen commented 4 years ago

Thanks for testing. I've fixed the issue. Grab the latest version on the Visual Studio Marketplace

RJMJII commented 4 years ago

Hey Mads,

First, thanks so much for attempting to get this running. It's a life saver when needed. Really -- thanks.

I've managed to install the extension (Win 10, VS2019 Pro V16.6.1, Chrome 83.0.4103.97 - also tried Chrome Beta and MS Edge). I am still unable to get it to work. With OR without the Chrome extension in Chrome, inspect or design mode first display the __browserLink_InspectOverlay (the display lightens a touch) and also displays the "crosshair" icon when starting with Ctrl+Alt+I or Ctrl+Alt+D respectively, or from the BrowserLink Dashboard. But that is , unfortunately, where the functionality stops.

Has anyone else been successful with running this? If so - I will investigate further on my end but nothing is apparent that would be causing conflict.

Thanks, Mads.


madskristensen commented 4 years ago

I've seen it being a little slow to open and select the ranges in Visual Studio when you inspect in the browser. Can you see if it just takes longer than normal?

RJMJII commented 4 years ago

I think that I may see a delay that you may be speaking of, but it still doesn’t work beyond what I’ve already expressed. To the point of the “delay”, upon clicking “Refresh” on the BrowserLink Dashboard, a second Connection appears and it takes about 10-11 seconds for the old connection to disappear. I have a pretty fast machine, so I don’t think that it is hardware related. Is that related to any delay that you were speaking of? I’ve rebooted (for giggles) and could reinstall Web Essentials if you think that could be helpful. Results are the same with/without the Chrome Web Essentials extension.

madskristensen commented 4 years ago

@RJMJII the second connection that shows up after refreshing, is that caused by the extension?

RJMJII commented 4 years ago

To be clear, I would assume that it is caused by the VSIX Browser extension, as opposed to the Chrome Extension, as I deactivated the Chrome extension and it still happens. But, like I said, it disappears after about 10-11 seconds. If I F5 a few times in the browser, I will get another "instance" listed on the Browser Extension Dashboard for each press of F5, then they disappear with a second or so of each other. I can supply a gif if you like.

Update, however -- some good news. I seem to recall this from a long time ago. SOOO -- BrowserLinkInspector2019 DOES work for a top-level domain (e.g. vs a subdomain We use for the mobile version of our clients' sites. Regardless of how I configure the "project" page - like as the project URL -- BLI only works if the the project URL is set to If my recollection serves me correctly, I had been able to get around this by setting the project URL to in order to debug the mobile version. Without being able to debug I am stuck in the mud again. :-(

RJMJII commented 4 years ago

After a couple of days of changing and testing to try to get (the project URL) working with Browser Link Inspector 2019 (BLI2017), I reinstalled VS2017 and BLI2017 extension. I had recently migrated to a new machine and hadn't needed a previous VS version before, so this was a new install of VS2017. So now I start up VS2017 on the same machine that VS2019 is running, copy the complete solution and run (debug) the copied solution in VS2017 and voila! BLI2017 works -- so there must STILL be a bug in BLI2019 with handling a subdomain as a project URL.

This is BLI2017 on my current (new) machine using a copy of the solution and as a subdomain. It performs as expected: BrowserLink2017Example

BLI2019 works as above if a NON-subdomain is used as project URL, but when a subdomain is used and BLI is invoked, the crosshair appears, the elements lighten, but no rectangles appear on hover and nothing happens on click.

Mads: Is there a chance that you could look at this to see if there is something bugging BLI2019? I've spent many hours testing and making sure that the fault is not mine. We all appreciate all your time and hard work that goes into creating these extensions that we sometimes take for granted.