madskristensen / BundlerMinifier

Visual Studio extension
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Build error on Azure DevOps agent #570

Open walter-psjr opened 2 years ago

walter-psjr commented 2 years ago

Installed product versions


I'm having a problem with the build on an Azure DevOps agent:

C:\Users\agent.devops02.nuget\packages\buildbundlerminifier\3.2.449\build\BuildBundlerMinifier.targets(12,5): Error MSB4018: The "BundlerMinifier.BundlerBuildTask" task failed unexpectedly. System.IO.IOException: No process is on the other end of the pipe

The error is intermittent, occurs sometimes, has anyone experienced this problem and knows how to solve it?


irecord commented 6 months ago

Just so you know it's not just you, we're also getting the same thing. I'm yet to work out which service should be on the end of which pipe.

Edit: I just remembered that I have looked in to this before and found this PR to patch the Console and stop it throwing.