madskristensen / CssAutoPrefixer

A Visual Studio extension
4 stars 1 forks source link

Question: Can it run when compiling .less files (and not manually on the .less file) #2

Open gpetrioli opened 7 years ago

gpetrioli commented 7 years ago

Installed product versions


A couple of questions actually:

  1. Can it run automatically (in particular when compiling the .less file) and not just through the context menu ?
  2. Is there any way to configure it ? I see in the compilerconfig.json.defaults the "autoPrefix" key under "compilers"->"less" but it has a value of "". (does it support any values in there ? for what ?)
judowalker commented 7 years ago

Same for sass. Also, why can't this be included in WebCompiler? WebCompiler supports AutoPrefixer with less but not sass but CssAutoPrefixer supports both.

sinrise commented 6 years ago

This is utterly useless if you use scss or less and minification. Why won't this integrate with the task runner and is this repo even being maintained anymore? Why is modern CSS such a wasteland in VS?