madskristensen / CssTools

A Visual Studio extension
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ASP.NET MVC Razor intelisense. #19

Open iantrem opened 4 years ago

iantrem commented 4 years ago

Installed product versions


When editing a .CSHTML file in the Visual Studio editor, intelisense starts repeating variables when you add an "=". This is for a ASP.NET MVC (.Net Framework), I don't know if it's the same for .NET Core.

Steps to recreate

  1. Create a .CSHTML file in the "Views" folder.
  2. At the top of the page where ViewBag.Title is set add a new line.
  3. Create a new string: String teststring = "Test";
  4. On the next line, add an "if" statement to check the string: if (test == "test") { if you let intelisense do it's thing you get: if (test =test=test "test") {

Disabling the extension fixes this.

NOTE: This doesn't happen in .cs files, it just seems to be .CSHTML files that are affected.

mbutler-qc commented 4 years ago

Not sure the Nuget info links go to the right place - this issue might get noticed better here -