madskristensen / CssTools

A Visual Studio extension
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Frequent page error #End ExternalSource #23

Open hnpvqve opened 4 years ago

hnpvqve commented 4 years ago

Installed product versions


<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="W_MVip.aspx.vb" Inherits="W_MVip" EnableViewState="false" %>

<!doctype html>

<% If GetRequest("Action") = "" Then Response.Write("
    ") If Val(GetRequest("Type")) = 0 AndAlso GetRequest("Action") = "" Then Response.Write("
  • ") Else Response.Write("
  • ") Response.Write("付费会员记录
  • ") If GetRequest("Action") = "Add" Then Response.Write("
  • ") Else Response.Write("
  • ") Response.Write("开通会员
  • ") Response.Write("
") %>
"> " /> 时间段: " size="10" maxlength="20" class="Calendar" style="min-width: 120px" /> " size="10" maxlength="20" class="Calendar" style="min-width: 120px" /> 类型:
<% CmdStep = " where SiteID='" & SiteID & "'" 'If GetRequest("SName") <> "" AndAlso GetRequest("SKey") <> "" Then CmdStep &= " and " & GetRequest("SKey") & " like '%" & GetRequest("SName").ToLower & "%'" 'If GetRequest("CDate1") <> "" Then CmdStep &= " and CreatedDate>='" & Format(CDate(GetRequest("CDate1")), "yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00") & "' " 'If GetRequest("CDate2") <> "" Then CmdStep &= " and CreatedDate<='" & Format(CDate(GetRequest("CDate2")), "yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59") & "' " 'If GetRequest("MoneyT") <> "" Then CmdStep &= " and MoneyT=" & Val(GetRequest("MoneyT")) SQLPage("M_MVip" & CmdStep, CountRows, PageSize, PageCount) If CountRows > 0 Then For Each R As Data.DataRow In SQLTable("SELECT * FROM M_MVip " & CmdStep & " ORDER BY CreatedDate desc,id", Val(GetRequest("Page")), PageSize).Rows Dim Tbl1 As Data.DataTable = SQLTable("select top 1 id, NameStr,RealName,Tel from M_Member where id='" & R("Member") & "'") %> <% Next end if %>
开通时间 开通类型 开通账户 姓名 电话 付费金额 开始时间 到期时间 开通时长 付费单号 备注信息 状态
<%=Format(R("CreatedDate"), "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") %> <%= R("NameStr") %> <% If R("ShopID") = "" Then Response.Write(PicView("", R("Member"), 2, "Member") & " ") If Tbl1.Rows.Count > 0 Then Response.Write(" " & Tbl1.Rows(0)("NameStr") & "") Else Response.Write(PicView("", R("ShopID"), 2, "Member") & " ") If Tbl1.Rows.Count > 0 Then Response.Write(" " & Tbl1.Rows(0)("NameStr") & "") End If %> <% If Tbl1.Rows.Count > 0 Then Response.Write(Tbl1.Rows(0)("RealName")) %> <% If Tbl1.Rows.Count > 0 Then Response.Write(Tbl1.Rows(0)("Tel")) %> <% Response.Write(Format(R("Price"), "0.00")) %> <%=Format(R("StartDate"), "yyyy-MM-dd") %> <%=Format(R("StopDate"), "yyyy-MM-dd") %> <%= R("PaidNo") %> <%= R("Remark") %> <% 'select case val(R("State").ToString) ' Case 0 ' Response.Write("待审核") ' Case 1 ' Response.Write("正常") ' Case 2 ' Response.Write("失败") 'End Select %>
<% PageLink("?SKey=" & GetRequest("SKey") & "&SName=" & GetRequest("SName") & "&MoneyT=" & GetRequest("MoneyT") & "&Type=" & GetRequest("Type") & "&CDate1=" & GetRequest("CDate1") & "&CDate2=" & GetRequest("CDate2") & "&Page=", PageCount, PageSize, CountRows) %>
<%ElseIf "Add".ToLower.Contains(GetRequest("Action").ToLower) Then%>


待审核") ' Case 1 ' Response.Write("正常") ' Case 2 ' Response.Write("失败") 'End Select #End ExternalSource #ExternalSource ("E:\WebSite\Admin\W_MVip.aspx", 13) Next End if #End ExternalSource #ExternalSource("E:\WebSite\Admin\W_MVip.aspx",14) __o = PageSize #End ExternalSource #ExternalSource("E:\WebSite\Admin\W_MVip.aspx",15) PageLink("?SKey=" & GetRequest("SKey") & "&SName=" & GetRequest("SName") & "&MoneyT=" & GetRequest("MoneyT") & "&Type=" & GetRequest("Type") & "&CDate1=" & GetRequest("CDate1") & "&CDate2=" & GetRequest("CDate2") & "&Page=", PageCount, PageSize, CountRows) %>" required="required" maxlength="30" style="min-width: 220px" />
<% End If%>

Steps to recreate

  1. Replace this
  2. text with
  3. the steps
  4. to recreate

Current behavior

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Expected behavior

Explain what it should be doing after it's fixed.