madskristensen / MarkdownEditor

A Visual Studio extension
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Preview window doesn't honor number style of nested, ordered list #135

Open Wyrus opened 7 years ago

Wyrus commented 7 years ago

Installed product versions


Preview window doesn't honor number style of nested, ordered list

Steps to recreate

Using this markdown:

  1. One
  2. Two a. Nested 1 b. Nested 2

The preview window shows:

  1. One
  2. Two i. Nested 1 ii. Nested 2

The generated html output looks correct:

<ol type="a">
<li>Nested 1</li>
<li>Nested 2</li>

Current behavior

Preview is using lower-case roman numeral numbering for the nested list. FWIW: It looks like the nested list always uses lower-roman regardless of markdown. I tried 1/2 and A/B for the nested list, the preview was unchanged, and the html output matched the markdown.

Expected behavior

Preview should show lower-case letter numbering as specified in the markdown and like the generated html.

BOT-Man-JL commented 7 years ago

I think you can contact for this feature request... 😅

xoofx commented 6 years ago

That might be just an IE bug no? How does it render on Chrome?

madskristensen commented 2 years ago

This was fixed by Markdig and does not reproduce in the new preview extension