madskristensen / NpmTaskRunner

Visual Studio extension
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How to detach TRE from started process? #51

Open nelisbijl opened 6 years ago

nelisbijl commented 6 years ago

VS2017 1.4.81

Sometimes npm scripts are just used as convenience commands that only need a fire and forget. However, no matter how often you put 'start' or 'cmd /c' (both Windows) before your actual statement, the console in the Task Runner Explorer stays connected until the task has finished.

e.g.: dotest: 'start dir'

Only when the opened cmd window is closed the task finishes inside TRE whereas I would expect it to finish directly after 'the start' command.

Not sure whether this is an issue of TRE or NPM Task Runner.

If it is an NPM Task Runner issue a '--detach' flag or something similar would be nice