madskristensen / NpmTaskRunner

Visual Studio extension
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Visual Studio "Error List" integration #52

Open nazar-kuzo opened 6 years ago

nazar-kuzo commented 6 years ago

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Currently, Task Runner Explorer shows error output in "Error List" only for tshint formatted output in console. Could you please create some generic output parser with open format, so other people could take use of it and generate proper output and Task Runner Explorer will parse it and will provide integration with "Error List".

Current behavior

Currently, only tshint formatted errors only go to "Error List" window. output format like "folder\file.ext: line 1, col 1, Error Message (ErrorCode)"

Expected behavior

Clean and flexible format that would be open documented to perform integration with. For example JSON like format that would allow to skip missing properties (e.g. ErrorCode, File, Line, Column) and so on.

qub1n commented 5 years ago

Errors and warnings will be automatically recognized by Visual Studio if error output will be formated like this:

Main.cs(17,20): warning CS0168: The variable 'foo' is declared but never used