madskristensen / NpmTaskRunner

Visual Studio extension
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Installation fails if Visual Studio Team Explorer 2017 is installed #68

Open DevlinSchoonraad opened 5 years ago

DevlinSchoonraad commented 5 years ago

Installed product versions


Installation fails when Visual Studio Team Explorer 2017 is installed, even though it is not selected for installation of the the extension.

Extension cannot be installed to the following products due to missing prerequisites: 2018/10/15 10:38:38 - Visual Studio Team Explorer 2017 (6) Error : The prerequisite specified does not exist

Steps to recreate

  1. Download Extension vsix
  2. Run downloaded vsix
  3. Select only VS 2017 Enterprise for installation
  4. Install fails for VS 2017 Enterprise due to Visual Studio Team Explorer 2017 prerequisite missing

Current behavior

Installation fails

Expected behavior

Extension installed into VS 2017 Enterprise and Visual Studio Team Explorer 2017 is ignored.

emilcheva commented 5 years ago

To all of you that might come upon this issue - just a note that might be of help to you since I was struggling with the same this week. Unfortunately It is not a solution but a workaround, hopefully this will be fixed with VS2019 ... So uninstall VS Team Explorer and then install the latest nightly build of NPM Task Runner ( This way I successfully installed the NPM Task Runner on my VS2017 Community Edition.