madskristensen / NpmTaskRunner

Visual Studio extension
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"ProjectOpened" binding does not work in VS2019 16.4.0 Preview 1 #74

Open ChristopherHaws opened 4 years ago

ChristopherHaws commented 4 years ago

Installed product versions


When opening an ASP.NET Core 2.2 project, the "Project Open" binding does not run.

Steps to recreate

  1. Create an ASP.NET Core 2.2 project
  2. Add an npm script
  3. Add the "Project Open" binding (i.e. "-vs-binding": { "ProjectOpened": [ "start" ] })
  4. Restart VS and open the project

Current behavior

Currently nothing happens when you open your project

Expected behavior

The script configured in "ProjectOpened" should be run

markashleybell commented 4 years ago

I'm also seeing this issue in VS2019 Version 16.4.1, same project type (ASP.NET Core 2.2).

The binding shows up correctly in Task Runner Explorer, but the task doesn't run. If I run it manually, everything works fine; it's just not being run by the binding.


user72356 commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem in VS 2019 16.7.4

If it matters, this is a Blazor webassembly hosted project, .NET Standard 2.1. I'm using the Runner Explorer along with the WebPack Task Runner extension, to run a webpack watch task on Project Open. The webpack watch is working well if I run the Project Open binding manually from the Runner Explorer, after the project has been opened.

In JS pain since 1998.

jared-sanders commented 1 year ago

I noticed this same issue with an ASP.NET Core project targeting .NET 6 during migration from ASP.NET targeting .NET Framework 4.8. My project uses Gulp as well so my solution was to move this behavior to the ProjectOpened binding of my gulpfile.js.
