madskristensen / NpmTaskRunner

Visual Studio extension
88 stars 32 forks source link

add support for yarn workspaces #89

Closed olmobrutall closed 1 year ago

olmobrutall commented 1 year ago

This trivial commit add support for yarn workspaces.

In yarn when workspaces are used, the yarn.lock file is created only for the package.json in a parent folder, not on each package.json of a module. This makes NPM Task runner think that we are using npm instead of yarn.

This repo looks 'done' and I'm sure @madskristensen is super bussy... any change to get this merged/published soon?

I could publish my own version but I would really like to avoid it if possible.

Thanks for the great work! As C#+TypeScript developers we have been happy users of NPM Task runner for years.

madskristensen commented 1 year ago


olmobrutall commented 1 year ago

🙏 make a release.

I can not merge a big reform that I'm doing if NPM Task Runner calls npm install instead of yarn install creating node_module folders in 40+ different projects.

madskristensen commented 1 year ago

I just kicked off a new release. It will be available in the Marketplace in a few minutes

olmobrutall commented 1 year ago

Works like a charm! thanks a lot :)