madskristensen / Packman

A client-side package manager
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Search spinner #20

Open tlk opened 8 years ago

tlk commented 8 years ago

Use case:

  1. I know I am looking for angularjs, so I type that in the search field
  2. nothing happens
  3. I select the "version" dropdown
  4. The "version" dropdown is populated (yay)

As a user in step 2 I am not sure if the extension does something in the background or I have to move the cursor out of the input field before the extension begins to search.

If the extension does not search in step 2, then maybe it could do that after e.g. a 500ms type-ahead-delay. Additionally, there could be a spinner or similar to indicate when search is happening.

Ps: Kudos for making this extension! I have used it on a small project and so far it has proved to be an excellent alternative to npm/bower/grunt-copy.

madskristensen commented 8 years ago

Great feedback. Thanks!!

mlorbetske commented 8 years ago

@tlk I've been working on the search experience a bit - does the new "always open" search experience make this more intuitive?

tlk commented 8 years ago

@mlorbetske I have just tested v1.2.117 on VS "Version 14.0.25123.00 Update 2"

Much better, thanks!

A few notes:

Pro-tip: use the Up/Down keys followed by Tab or Enter to select the desired package from the dropdown.

mlorbetske commented 8 years ago

@tlk glad to hear it's an improvement! I'll take a look at moving the popup with dialog moves.

@madskristensen should we maybe have "expand" type button (maybe a little arrow glyph) that, if clicked, expands the item? This would be instead of the single click to expand and double click to select behavior that I have there now? We could also do single click to expand, click again to select (making clicking the selected element once commit it).

mlorbetske commented 8 years ago

Just talked it over with @madskristensen, the current plan is to do: single (left) click = commit right click = select/expand without committing

mlorbetske commented 8 years ago

@tlk I've just merged these changes, I think you'll like the result

tlk commented 8 years ago

Agree, much better :+1: Thank you very much!

Just a few more notes, although slightly off-topic: