madskristensen / SolutionColors

A Visual Studio extension
Apache License 2.0
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Custom selection of the filename and storage location for the 'color.txt' file #44

Open Cyphermage opened 4 months ago

Cyphermage commented 4 months ago

The project I work on uses a custom script to generate the five different solution files for the various configs of the project that my team works on. This solution-generating script creates a \projects\ folder in the root of the workspace, and then within that it creates a folder for each solution, in which it stores the relevant .sln for that solution. ie:


The problem is that we have to regenerate the solution files periodically. Doing an in-place regeneration can sometimes cause issues, so we generally just delete the \projects\ folder entirely and regenerate/rebuild everything from scratch.

Because the color.txt files are currently stored alongside the .sln files (or in a folder in the same location), it means I have to copy the 5 different versions of this file out of their respective folders before I nuke the \projects\ folder, and then copy them back in once I've regenerated the solution files - or I have to re-select all of my colours manually every time.

Both are do-able but a little tedious, so I'd appreciate being able to select a custom/override location for the color.txt file for each solution. This would let me store them the workspace root instead of alongside the .sln files, so they'd be safe from nukage. A folder picker would be my preferred solution for picking the location, but even just being able to enter the path as a text string would work.

I'd also like to be able to specify a custom name for the color.txt files if possible, so that I can save the colour files for all of my solutions in the one folder. (I can live without this, though, since I could just make individual folders in the workspace root for each colour file - it's a bit messy/fiddly, but it'd work.)

Thank you!