madskristensen / TextmateBundleInstaller

A Visual Studio extension
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Missing support for .s files (Assembly) #542

Open Trevor89 opened 4 years ago

Trevor89 commented 4 years ago

I have managed to make a Visual Studio visx for TextMate MIPS asm bundle but while I associate .s with it apparently Rust is overwriting my settings for .s files (as output by cc … -S) I am now using .mips as an extension, but I think a wider audience might like the textmate bundle included with this extension (as I was looking for before)

NOTE: I had no involvement in either textmate nor MIPS, I simply copied/pasted into Textmate visx template for my own installer

On a side note, is it possible to incorporate the MIPS assembly syntax to children of a C file? We use embedded Assembly within

glabel switch_to_solosky2
/* 0EF7D8 7F0BACA8 3C028008 */  lui   $v0, %hi(env_table_match_start)
/* 0EF7DC 7F0BACAC 8C4225EC */  lw    $v0, %lo(env_table_match_start)($v0)
/* 0EFB98 7F0BB068 03E00008 */  jr    $ra
/* 0EFB9C 7F0BB06C 00000000 */   nop   

many thanks

Trevor89 commented 4 years ago

I have improved upon the textmate bundle above if you want to incorporate Language.plist.txt