madskristensen / Tweakster

A Visual Studio extension
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Share code location #116

Open sbenzenko opened 1 year ago

sbenzenko commented 1 year ago

Often it's necessary to share a particular location in the solution (Project > File > Line) with the coleague so I don't have to type the path and he doesn't have to follow it. It would be great if there was a way to do that. E.g. you put cursor on the line of code, press hotkey and the path is copied into the clipboard. You send it as text to anyone who is working on the same project. He has the same solution opened, presses a hotkey, inserts the path and VS opens the requested file on the requested line.

Similar to how bookmarks are saved and navigated through, just with the ability to share them.

Not sure if similar functionality already exists, but I couldn't find it.

UPD: it seems like there is a similar but long forgotten plugin CodeLink

zavpav commented 1 year ago

Or copy and set "method location",
Copy "current location" like "NameSpeceOfProject.Class1.Method1(int,int):100:20" ("100" is the line in the method, "20" is the position in the row). And possibility to set this "location".