madskristensen / VuePack

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Feature Request: custom coloring #5

Open richardtallent opened 7 years ago

richardtallent commented 7 years ago

Installed product versions


The plugin doesn't currently support setting custom colors for Vue directives (and their shortcuts like "@"). Mustache expressions have a color, but that appears to be via base VS functionality. (.

Steps to recreate

  1. Type <input name="foo" :value="myvalue" v-if="true" /> into a Vue SFC template.

Current behavior

Vue directives and their values are formatted the same as normal HTML attributes. This makes it more difficult to pick out "normal" HTML vs. Vue-specific attributes.

Expected behavior

Ideally, there should be an option to color Vue directives differently under Tools: Options: Fonts and Colors. This should include directives that aren't prefixed by "v-", such as "ref". Based on Razor's settings, suggest using a key like "HTML Vue Directive".