madskristensen / WebCompiler

Visual Studio extension for compiling LESS and Sass files
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Autoprefixer for SASS #156

Open gjcampbell opened 8 years ago

gjcampbell commented 8 years ago

Can you add autoprefixer for Sass compilation, please?

madskristensen commented 8 years ago

As soon as I move over to running in a node.js server instead of shelling out to CLI at every compile

ErykJaroszewicz commented 8 years ago

Good news! Thanks for info Mads. I also put the question about autoprefixer for SASS in Q&A of Web Compiler.

lvmajor commented 8 years ago

Any update on the matter? I can't seem to find the option in the compilerconfig.json.defaults except for LESS...

ScottBurfieldMills commented 7 years ago

Also would appreciate this!

rosebrt commented 7 years ago

I'm in this boat, too. Autoprefixing on compile would be a life saver for me because I am working with a massive ASP .NET MVC project and the higher ups want 95% browser compatibility. Please let this be a goal for the near future.

lvmajor commented 7 years ago

@rosebrt I guess the best solution for you is to move to something like Gulp or any other task runner and perform the conversion on file save by setting up a watch. It's been asked more than a year ago and we had no news yet, so I guess you're better off using another solution :)

IanMuirhead commented 6 years ago

@madskristensen has this been supported with the latest releases?

atollis commented 6 years ago

@madskristensen I noticed your other extension:

could you not run the same task after compiling the sass?

JoeB-UB commented 4 years ago

@madskristensen @atollis I see an option for autoPrefix in the compilerconfig.json.defaults but putting true or "true" in there has no effect. Do you need to supply an autoprefixer like MadsKristensen.CSSAutoPrefixer for this to work maybe?


CIO-COSINE commented 3 years ago

Any update on this? This would be an awesome feature to at least have the compiled .css & .min.css as to maximize compatibility

carllaw6885 commented 3 years ago

I know this is an old thread now but isn't answered so thought I would add an answer.

SASS support is live and works. If you add "last 2 versions" to autoPrefix, it works as expected. I do have an issue when attempting to concatenate queries.