madskristensen / WebCompiler

Visual Studio extension for compiling LESS and Sass files
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How to use in VS2015?? #287

Open CodeLiftSleep opened 7 years ago

CodeLiftSleep commented 7 years ago

Installed product versions


I tried changing .js files to .jsx or .es6 so I could transpile them but it gives me no option to do so when I click on them


Current behavior

It claims to be able to be used on .jsx or .es6 file extensions but no options exist to do anything with it

Expected behavior

work as expected on these files

clarghi commented 7 years ago

I have same issue: with vs2015 when I right-click a .less file I cannot see no menu for Web Compiler ...

stgaup commented 7 years ago

When I removed this nuget package, compilerconfig.json and compilerconfig.json.defaults were not removed from the project.