madskristensen / WebEssentials.AspNetCore.ServiceWorker

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ServerSide Blazor in .net core 3.0 #65

Open snmigerl opened 4 years ago

snmigerl commented 4 years ago

Should this work in ServerSide Blazor in .net core 3.0?

It seems ok, but I don't get any install promp nor the Option "send to Homescreen".

JudahGabriel commented 4 years ago

Chrome developer tools -> Application -> Manifest. This will tell you details about whether the app is installable (and why/why not).

snmigerl commented 4 years ago

Well, it looked good for me. No differneces to the PWA i itried on an older core project.

MIght there be any caveats in combination with the jscode from blazor?

snmigerl commented 4 years ago

Maybe just some additional Information: For me the point isn't caching, what would be somehow strange in cobination with serverside blazor. For me it's mainly just about the option of installing to the homescreen and get rid of the (visible) browserinterface

JudahGabriel commented 4 years ago

Remember that browsers have an installability heuristic (e.g. visit the site X times, interact with the page, etc.) before they're installable. This is to prevent install spam, where every site wants to install itself.

Have a look at this page for more info.

In short:

Does Chrome Dev tools show your service worker being registered? That's the most likely issue, IMO.