madskristensen / WebEssentials2012
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Update All Bundles does not seem to work (version 3.7 on VS2012.4) #64

Open kkrusty1 opened 10 years ago

kkrusty1 commented 10 years ago

I'm using VS 2012 update 4 and Web Essentials 3.7 (on Win7x64). I have created bundles for my javascript files. When I modify and save a javascript file in VS, my bundle gets updated. If I modify the same file in an other editor then use the Update All Bundles menu, nothing happens. Some people had problems with bundles in version 3.3 and recommended to downgrade to version 3.2, which I did but this did not correct my problem. In my bundle file, I have the runOnBuild parameter set to true, but when I build my project/solution, again nothing happens. The only way to update my bundled files is to edit and save one of the javascript files included in the bundle, which is not very practical when using source control like TFS.