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Cannot generate javascript if coffee file contains "<script></script>" string #70

Open antoinegoutagny opened 10 years ago

antoinegoutagny commented 10 years ago

Using VS 2012 Premium Update 4, WE 3.6.5 and 3.7

The javascript file is not compiled if the coffee source contains the string "<script>/script>", although the output windows says 13/08/2014 10:01:13: CoffeeScript: Compiling

It works ok if you don't open then close the script tag. E.g. "<script></scrip>" or "<script></script" are generated correctly. Adding script attributes (src, type) or content between the opening and closing tags doesn't fix the issue.

To reproduce: Create a coffee file in a project, write anything and save: the js file is created. Then edit the coffee and add the following line: s = "<script src='path/to/source.js'></script>"

Try to save...nothing. The generated file is not updated.

I've tested the same file directly with Coffeescript compiler 1.7.1 in nodejs and it works fine.