madskristensen / WebEssentials2012
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LESS Compile Error with Animation Keyframe Mixin #81

Open someyoungideas opened 9 years ago

someyoungideas commented 9 years ago

So I recently found a great way to create mixin for animations using LESS and attempted in WE 2012. I was unable to get the file to compile unfortunately. It seems to be having issues with the @arguments being passed into the .keyframes. Allowing variables with @keyframes was allowed in LESS starting v1.7.0, Here is my code

.whywouldyoudothis {
            0% { background: #fff; }
            100% { background: #000; }

    .animation(blink 1s ease inifinite alternate);

.keyframes(@name; @arguments) {
    @-moz-keyframes @name { @arguments(); }
    @-webkit-keyframes @name { @arguments(); }
    @-o-keyframes @name { @arguments(); }
    @keyframes @name { @arguments(); }

.animation(@arguments) {
    -webkit-animation: @arguments;
    -moz-animation: @arguments;
    animation: @arguments;

And here is the compile error LESS: Unrecognised input