madskristensen / WebEssentials2013

Visual Studio extension
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error after update 2 and 3 in vs2013 #1442

Open farazp opened 10 years ago

farazp commented 10 years ago

hi I recived this error and vs restarting when I open any projects

Fault bucket 94576893551, type 5 Event Name: CLR20r3 Response: Not available Cab Id: 0

Problem signature: P1: devenv.exe P2: 12.0.30723.0 P3: 53cf6f00 P4: WebEssentials2013 P5: P6: 53e40ab5 P7: 1586 P8: 6d P9: System.NullReferenceException P10:

Attached files: C:\Users----\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VSCommon\12.0\SQM\sqmdata.cvr C:\Users----\AppData\Local\Temp\WER7DD1.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml

These files may be available here: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_devenv.exe_f7f642aa22b86ce5823a82882f8ef94c40a84530_15a25453_4dfd9978

Analysis symbol: Rechecking for solution: 0 Report Id: 75a660ad-2bd8-11e4-8282-979676810b87 Report Status: 0 Hashed bucket: 5bf36cbbb2888fd78da66c2fbdbad3e3

am11 commented 10 years ago

Do you have Web Tools installed? VS > Help > Installed products ..