madskristensen / WebEssentials2013

Visual Studio extension
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TSLint: Invalid config file. #1569

Open PaulSinnema opened 9 years ago

PaulSinnema commented 9 years ago

Webessentials nightly build 2.3.5 gives me 'TSLint: Invalid config file.' on rebuild all in VS2013.

am11 commented 9 years ago

Hello @PaulSinnema.

Have you made changes to tslint.json?

If so can you show paste the file here.

If not; you are using the default one, which comes with Web Essentials -- please delete it from %userprofile% directory (this means you might be using the old one). Web Essentials will auto restore the default one from its settings store.

PaulSinnema commented 9 years ago

Removed the tslint.json from the %userprofile% directory. Problem remains.

am11 commented 9 years ago

How config files are located by linters: (in this case config file is tslint.json and input file is filename.ts)

(those are the standard steps taken by node-based linters, at this point if the config file isn't found anywhere, the linter will throw error: config-not-found)


thulka commented 9 years ago

I encountered the same issue: The warning TSLint: Invalid config file was constantly there.

Removed tslint.json from my user directory. No change

Checked with procmon.exe which tslint.json is accessed. It was the one in the directory set by the %HOME% env variable. There was no tslint.json file. I created one with content "{}", so empty json object.

Restarted VS and warning is away. (Reloading solution was not enough, the error provider of vs often hangs a bit)

senjacob commented 9 years ago

I had the same issue with VS2013 Update 3 saying "*.ts compilation failed: TSLint: Invalid config file." for each .ts files in solution. I downloaded the default config file and copied to %userprofile% and it worked.