madskristensen / WebEssentials2013

Visual Studio extension
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SASS: Auto-compile dependant files on save stops working after a while #1585

Open misteroh opened 10 years ago

misteroh commented 10 years ago

Say I have _variables.scss, _fonts.scss, and base.scss

_variables.scss contains variables. Example: $blue: blue;

_fonts.scss contains normal styles for H1's, H2's, etc. However, it references a variable defined in _variables.scss. Example: h2 {color: $blue;}

base.scss @imports the above partial scss files. (_variables.scss first, then _fonts.scss)

(Important side note: I have set up .weignore to NOT compile partials (_xxx.scss)

Now if I'm working inside _fonts.scss and press save, web essentials outputs: The file _fonts.scss is ignored by .weignore. Skipping..

Then: unbound variable $blue

And then finally:base.scss compiled.

However, after several edits and saves, it'll just stop on unbound variable $blue and won't go on to compile base.scss

I can't really nail down when exactly the compilation chain stops working. It's usually within 20 minutes though. I have to restart Visual Studio in order for the compilation chain to work again.

Btw, if I insert @import _variables.scss at the top of _fonts.scss and then save a change to _fonts.scss, it says The file _fonts.scss is ignored by .weignore. Skipping..

But then immediately after it'll says _fonts.scss compiled. (Is that supposed to display that message btw?) and then goes on to compile base.scss as expected. I've never seen this particular scenario fail to continue the compilation chain.

misteroh commented 10 years ago

Also random... It'' also sometimes says Something went wrong reaching:

SCSS: base.scss compilation failed: The service failed to respond to this request Possible cause: Syntax Error!

Even when there's no syntax error. Closing and opening VS again fixes it for a while

samrueby commented 9 years ago

I believe I am also experiencing this.

borismee commented 9 years ago

:+1: Same here :(

danb-cws commented 9 years ago

Same error here:

31/10/2014 17:11:13: SCSS: Compiling base.scss 31/10/2014 17:11:15: Something went wrong reaching: 31/10/2014 17:11:19: SCSS: base.scss compilation failed: The service failed to respond to this request Possible cause: Syntax Error!

It works for a few minutes. Restart does not help. Tried downgrading to previous version.

Really need this working!!!!!

misteroh commented 9 years ago

@DanB-66 If restarting doesn't fix it, you may need to ensure that you actually don't have a syntax error or an undefined variable. You can check this by pasting your SCSS into a service like SASSmeister or by trying to compile it using the Ruby compiler

danb-cws commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the reply.

An error message pointing to the line number would be good!

Thanks D

On 3 November 2014 17:12, Andrew Oh wrote:

@DanB-66 If restarting doesn't fix it, you may need to ensure that you actually don't have a syntax error or an undefined variable. You can check this by pasting your SCSS into a service like SASSmeister or by trying to compile it using the Ruby compiler

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misteroh commented 9 years ago

@DanB-66 I believe that's an issue with the compiler WE uses. Last I heard they're working on it. The WE team is also apparently giving us the option to use the Ruby compiler in the next version which is amazing!

In the meantime, SHOULD give you a line number with the error. If not, then you may want to install Ruby ( and SASS (there are many tutorials for this) and try to manually compile your SCSS file using the command line/terminal. That will definitely give you the exact location of the the error (if it exists)

danb-cws commented 9 years ago

Thanks for feedback, I am actually a longterm commandline user (Compass watch), usually on open source projects (Python, Backbone etc)

This is my first contract for years in a Visual Studio environment, after having persuaded everybody of the benefits of SASS, I have been struggling to get things working within the VS setup.

I found the "koala" app works pretty well (my colleagues need some kind of executable tool unfortunately)

Thanks again

On 3 November 2014 17:19, Andrew Oh wrote:

@DanB-66 I believe that's an issue with the compiler WE uses. Last I heard they're working on it. The WE team is also apparently giving us the option to use the Ruby compiler in the next version which is amazing!

In the meantime, SHOULD give you a line number with the error. If not, then you may want to install Ruby ( and SASS (there are many tutorials for this) and try to manually compile your SCSS file using the command line/terminal

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

andersrosten commented 9 years ago

Since WE changed to the internal node server for SASS compilation, it has been unstable to the level of being unusable. Multiple daily VS restarts is required to get rid of the "Something went wrong reaching..." error. Before node, you actually got an indication what was wrong and where, had hoped v2.4 fixed this but no.

@am11 you said weeks ago that you were working this and that we should sit tight. Now 2.4 is released without a fix, how much longer do we have to wait? I have no count on how many hours i have pulled my hair because of SASS problems in WE, and never understood the change to node which has only cause more problems.

I very much appriciate what you guys are doing with WE which is free - but for me it's just not stable enough to be used on production projects.

@DanB-66 we used PrePros before switching to WE which now seems to be a viable option with the current state of WE. PrePros is not VS integrated though which is one of the reasons we switched to WE.

tysonmatanich commented 9 years ago

+1 on lack of WE stability with sass

jakelauer commented 9 years ago

I am experiencing this issue too. CSS files don't seem to be updating after a while.

wearetelescopic commented 9 years ago

Hi, Has there been any progress on this one?

jenskaalen commented 9 years ago

Seems like I can do a handful of saves/compiles then it just stops working.

escapismc commented 9 years ago

I still encounter this issue.

kingRayhan commented 7 years ago

Sometimes this issue appear and somethings gone 😄

xkid1 commented 5 years ago

I still encounter this issue.

heyannu commented 5 years ago

This issue still persists. I am unable to use SASS after a certain number of compilations

bricejoosten commented 3 years ago

Hello, I don't know if I'm posting this at right place but I'm encountering the same kind of issue : auto-compile no longer work after a certain number of compilations. I don't know the number limit and why it's happening. Anyone has an idea about it ? Thanks a lot for your help.

bricejoosten commented 3 years ago

Hello, I don't know if I'm posting this at right place but I'm encountering the same kind of issue : auto-compile no longer work after a certain number of compilations. I don't know the number limit and why it's happening. Anyone has an idea about it ? Thanks a lot for your help.

EDIT : Fixed, I did have a while loop in SASS that the loop variable didn't increment at all so SASS was indeed compiling but as it never went out of the loop, it couldn't end compilation. Basic algorithm issue here.