madskristensen / WebEssentials2013

Visual Studio extension
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Color of keywords inside LiveScript dashed identifiers #1626

Open atifaziz opened 9 years ago

atifaziz commented 9 years ago

LiveScript permits dashed identifiers, as in foo-bar, to compile to a camel-case version of the identifier (i.e. fooBar) in JavaScript. However, when such a dashed identifier contains keywords, like on-load or do-this-for-ever, then the keywords appear colored/highlighted when they shouldn't.

am11 commented 9 years ago

WE doesn't implement any language AST. LiveScript syntax highlighting support would need to first come from VS. Please report these issues at

atifaziz commented 9 years ago

@am11 @madskristensen suggested that I file this as a bug. I'm not sure where you draw the line for what goes into WE and VS but right now on the Web Essentials home page, I'm seeing boasting about Custom editors with syntax highlighting support robots.txt, HTML5 App Cache and WebVTT for so why not LiveScript? Why not add it first in WE and then let it makes its way to VS with the next release?

am11 commented 9 years ago

@atifaziz, I don't know why @madskristensen asked you to file it as a bug here, normally the feature requests like this goes into WE's uservoice channel so other people can vote and we can measure its interestingness.

I'm not sure where you draw the line for what goes into WE and VS

For instance, syntax highlighting for CoffeeScript, LESS and SCSS is implemented within VS.

Would be nice to have SweetJS and LiveScript syntax highlighting from VS team as well, they have larger context and chances are they would be able to leverage some of the upcoming ECMAScript6/7 code base, which coincide with what LiveScript / SweetJS are offering.

BTW, LiveScript classifiers would be much complex than those of robots.txt and WebVTT..