If I have the setting "Minify Angular.js binding expressions" set to true, and I have the following markup to iterate over a 2-dimensional array or object:
<div ng-repeat="item in itemArray[myIndex] track by item.id"></div>
... then that minifies to:
<div ng-repeat="item in itemArray[myIndex]track by item.id"></div>
So the space between the closing square bracket "]" and the "track by" expression is removed, which causes Angular to give me the error: "Token 'track' is an unexpected token".
If I have the setting "Minify Angular.js binding expressions" set to true, and I have the following markup to iterate over a 2-dimensional array or object: <div ng-repeat="item in itemArray[myIndex] track by item.id"></div> ... then that minifies to: <div ng-repeat="item in itemArray[myIndex]track by item.id"></div>
So the space between the closing square bracket "]" and the "track by" expression is removed, which causes Angular to give me the error: "Token 'track' is an unexpected token".